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bcc journal
Useful information about money, business, investments, and life. Brief, to the point, and inspiring.
bcc journal
Счёт эскроу: что это такое и для чего нужен?

При заключении сделок, которые сопряжены с финансовыми рисками (например, покупка квартиры 
в рамках долевого строительства), используют счёт эскроу. Он призван защитить интересы сторон 
в форс-мажорных обстоятельствах, сохранить деньги и снизить вероятность злоупотреблений участниками сделки. Эскроу может открыть как физическое, так и юридическое лицо, ИП.

bcc journal
Как можно использовать кредитную карту с максимальной выгодой: пять лайфхаков

Можно долго обсуждать плюсы и минусы кредитной карты, но очевиден факт, что c ней вы сможете покупать нужные вещи даже в ситуациях, когда собственные средства на них выделить не получается.

bcc journal
Эквайринг: что это такое, как он работает и какими преимуществами обладает

По данным Нацбанка РК, только за сентябрь 2024 года было совершено 1,2 млрд транзакций с использованием банковских карточек на сумму более 16,8 трлн тенге. Но, чтобы бизнес мог работать с такими платежами, необходимо подключить банковскую услугу, которая называется эквайринг.

Currency overview
USD/KZT exchange rate Overview

Increased currency sale volumes support Tenge from excessive weakening 

The third quarter kicked off for tenge with some exchange rate stabilization after a noticeable weakening in June. As a result, the average KZT exchange rate weakened by 6.07% by the end of July amid the decline in the National Fund operations in terms of currency sale volume. According to the results of July, foreign currency sales from the National Fund to ensure transfers to the republican budget amounted to $506 mln and about $984 mln as part of selling the currency to purchase Kazatomprom shares. In August, according to the forecasts of the Government, the National Fund will sell currency at similar levels of 500-600 mln. These transactions, in our opinion, support the exchange rate from excessive weakening. As we noted earlier, the level of KZT 480 per US dollar is an attractive level for market participants to sell the U.S. currency.  

bcc journal
Овердрафт, кредитные линии и кредитный лимит на счёт в Казахстане: что это такое и в чём между ними разница

Как физические лица, так и предприниматели могут столкнуться с ситуацией, когда на определённые нужды (например, покупка бытовой техники или приобретение сырья для производства) недостаточно собственных средств. В такой ситуации оптимальное решение – обратиться в банк и оформить кредит. Однако наравне со стандартными кредитными продуктами банки в Казахстане предлагают клиентам такие инструменты, как овердрафт, кредитная линия и кредитный лимит на счёт.

bcc journal
POS-терминал: что это такое и как он работает?

По данным за 2024 год, в Казахстане доля безналичных расчётов с помощью банковских карт увеличилась до 89%, а объём таких транзакций превысил 962,7 трлн тенге.

bcc journal
How to Issue an Invoice Online in Kazakhstan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Legal Entities

To enable a buyer to pay for goods and services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to create an invoice, which is more conveniently and quickly done online. This document is one of the primary ones in transactions between counterparties. How accurately it is filled out determines the successful transfer of funds to the seller or service provider's account.

bcc journal
Digital Tenge in Kazakhstan: What It Is and Why Kazakhs Need It

Digital currency is a logical extension of Kazakhstan’s active digitization of its economy. As a result, in 2021, the National Bank of Kazakhstan launched a pilot project called “Digital Tenge,” developed with the participation of market representatives, experts, and international partners.

bcc journal
Online Accounting: Almost Unlimited Opportunities for Your Business

Convenient, functional, reliable, and cost-effective — it’s hard to overestimate the benefits of online accounting for entrepreneurs. Services integrate easily with bank accounts, allowing you to perform any operation.

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Typography "Art-Depo Studio": Uniting Business and Art

Our protagonist has proven through her experience that childhood dreams of creativity can be realized and turned into a stable business.

Bank CenterCredit continues its series of interviews with Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, and the latest video features Albina Abuzarova, co-founder of the typography studio «Art-Depo Studio».

The idea to start their own business came when Albina Abuzarova and her colleagues were working as employees at the same firm.

At that time, the existing "Bridge" gallery offered them to move into its additional space—a long, narrow, unheated balcony. This is where the work of the typography studio began—preparing exhibitions, creating catalogs, and closely collaborating with artists.

bcc journal
Dreams Know No Obstacles: The Story of Maria Lipinskaya, Founder of “AsiaEliteFoodGroup”

This series of interviews with Kazakhstani entrepreneurs continues with the story of Maria Lipinskaya, the founder of "AsiaEliteFoodGroup." Today, the company produces more than 50 types of dairy products, including sour cream, cream, and cottage cheese, and its workforce has long exceeded 50 employees.

However, 20 years ago, the thought of a massive production facility was not even a dream. Maria worked at a successful company, and a chance event led her to contemplate starting her own business. The owner of the enterprise where Maria worked decided to change the business's profile. These changes motivated Maria to take a bold step – she left her job and opened her own company specializing in the sale of raw materials and ingredients for dairy production. The company quickly gained a solid reputation in the market, actively developed, and expanded its list of partners. One of these partners suggested to Maria the idea of starting a joint venture.

bcc journal
Payment by Phone Instead of Card: Principles of Operation and Advantages of Contactless Payment

Today in Kazakhstan, to pay for goods and services with a card, you don’t even need to take out your wallet – the transaction can be completed using your phone. This is contactless payment, which is facilitated by apps like Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, or Garmin Pay.

bcc journal
Investing in Gold: Where to Buy Precious Metals and How to Invest for Profit

One of the key tips for investors is to use a variety of tools to increase their savings. Therefore, in addition to acquiring securities, investments in precious metals, including gold, are also in demand. According to experts, precious metals, including gold, can make up to 15% of an investment portfolio.

bcc journal
To Ensure a Smooth Journey: How to Check for a Travel Ban from Kazakhstan

Travel requires thorough preparation, including ensuring all documents are collected. Equally important is verifying if there is a travel ban from Kazakhstan. If you find out at the border that you are prohibited from leaving, your vacation will be ruined, and your plans will have to change on the fly. It is better to find out in advance so you can resolve the situation before your departure and enjoy your vacation.

bcc journal
On Vacation! Where to Go for a Summer 2024 Holiday from Kazakhstan and What to See

Summer is a time to live life to the fullest. Kazakhstani travel agencies offer countless opportunities for you to make the most of this season. With various destinations to choose from, there is certainly a perfect holiday spot waiting for you, whether you’re looking to recharge or live out a dream. So where should you consider for a July or August getaway from Kazakhstan?

bcc journal
Trade Turnover between Kazakhstan and Turkey: Features and Nuances

For decades, the main trading partners of Kazakhstan remained Russia, China, and Uzbekistan. However, since 2010, another promising direction has been developing – trade with Turkey. By 2024, it is considered the most prioritized in the field of investment and trade-economic relations.

Currency overview
USD/KZT Exchange Rate Overview

Background for Appreciation

Since the end of October 2023, tenge affected by increased volumes of USD sales from the National Fund began its appreciation until mid-May. During this period of time, the national currency strengthened by 8.3%, while oil fell by -4.4%, which prevents it from being an exogenous explanatory factor in forecasting the USD/KZT exchange rate.

In general, such external factors as oil, the Russian ruble and the US Dollar Index (DXY) have weak correlations with values ranging from 0.45 to 0.52 during the period from 2018 to 2023. At the same time, if we take the period from the beginning of 2023, the ratio slightly decreases, especially with the ruble and the US Dollar Index.

bcc journal
Cryptocurrency in Kazakhstan: What Is Permitted and What Is Not

Despite the widespread digitalization that positions Kazakhstan as a leader in this area, not only among CIS countries but also globally, the official status of cryptocurrency in the country’s economy remains in a "gray" zone. On the one hand, regulators strive to stay abreast of modern economic trends; on the other hand, authorities act cautiously, wary of the decentralized nature of blockchain and the consequent risks of the shadow economy. Additionally, tax authorities have yet to develop transparent and comprehensible mechanisms for taxing all crypto market participants.

bcc journal
Trade of Kazakhstan within the EAEU: Features and Nuances

The Republic of Kazakhstan has been a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) since the day the EAEU was established. Other member countries of the Union are considered priority areas for trade relations. Economic integration is facilitated by the EAEU agreement, which ensures the free movement of goods, labor, and services across the Union’s territory, and a unified policy in various sectors of the economy. To coordinate the movement of goods through customs, the EAEU Customs Union was established. A zero VAT rate is applied when member countries export goods within the Union.

bcc journal
Disability Compensation: How Sick Leave Is Paid in Kazakhstan

How is sick leave calculated in Kazakhstan? How quickly is it paid? What are the amounts of the payments?

bcc journal
Financial Literacy: Why is it Important and How to Improve it

According to statistics, most of the population in Kazakhstan lacks significant savings and does not plan their budget. Often, this is not due to unstable employment or low wages, but rather a low level of financial literacy among the population. This article will explore the concept in detail, explain the importance of financial literacy, and discuss ways to improve it. We will also look at how to teach children financial literacy since it is important to introduce them to financial matters from an early age.

bcc journal
Код ТН ВЭД в 2025 году в Казахстане: зачем нужен и как его получить?

Чтобы поставляемый товар быстро прошел таможенные процедуры внутри ЕАЭС, ему необходимо присвоить специальный код, который помогает классифицировать продукцию. Его называют ТН ВЭД.

bcc journal
Business Meeting with Bank CenterCredit: Attendees and Topics Discussed

Last Friday, Bank CenterCredit gathered Kazakhstani entrepreneurs for a business meeting dedicated to the challenges of effective management and marketing in modern conditions. The discussion focused on business needs, development prospects, the importance of supply chains in the economy, and opportunities for optimizing these processes.

bcc journal
How to Write a Business Plan in Kazakhstan: Examples and Step-by-Step Instructions

To win a grant, secure a bank loan, or obtain land for your business, an aspiring entrepreneur must present a business plan. This document is also essential for the businessperson to understand how to run the business efficiently, minimize costs, and achieve the expected profit.

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